The Greater Ontario House of Prayer (GOHOP) is a local expression of 24-7 Prayer, dedicated to prayer and discipleship in the city of Hamilton.  As a modern monastic expression, we follow Jesus by following a simple rule of life. Through prayer, internships, spiritual direction and other initiatives we help others to do the same.


Visit our Prayer Room at 120 Wentworth St N
(inside Wentworth Baptist Church) There is parking onsite.

To find out our Prayer room hours & events Click below:

May 1st, 2024: Transition Announcement 

May 1st, 2024:

Transition Announcement 

After seven years of faithful service in the position of Executive Director of the Greater Ontario House of Prayer (GOHOP), Andy Groen has discerned that it is time for him to begin to transition out of this role. This decision has led the board to begin the search for Andy’s successor. 

We honour and acknowledge Andy’s gifts as a teacher, spiritual director, and leader which have strengthened and stabilized the organization. What has been less visible but deeply impactful has been all of the hidden, behind-the-scenes work he has done to strengthen the foundations of GOHOP, both spiritually and administratively. We believe that he was God’s choice for this past season. While many ministries floundered and failed during the pandemic, GOHOP, under Andy’s leadership, continued to compassionately create opportunities for people to encounter God through stepping up its role of stewarding creative prayer spaces and monastic rhythms for spiritual formation. 

We also want to recognize and honour Andy’s wife, Gwen, and her contribution. Her ministry of hospitality and tireless support for the community has been integral to the well-being of GOHOP.

Andy will continue in his role over the coming months as the board takes next steps in the search for a new executive director. We ask for your continued prayers for Andy, the staff & companions, and the board as we engage this process. 


The GOHOP Board–

Diane Albert, Gloria Willoughby, Aisha Sharifa, and Dave Witt


Find out how you can participate in Gohop with These programs:

Explore becoming a GOHOP Companion. Companions participate in the GOHOP Community and live by a Rule of Life. There is no financial cost, and a few hours per month of commitment, this is designed for anyone from moms, to students, to those working full time. This is for those who are already familiar with GOHOP. If you are not, we recommend first taking an Internship or Prayer Course.

Explore more about Companions.

The best onramp into the GOHOP Community is to take our Internship. This 3 month immersive experience is designed to take you deeper in your faith, exploring Spiritual Disciplines, and the Work of the Holy Spirit. You will grow in Community, and have the opportunity to serve and learn in the Prayer Room. Internships run in the Fall and Spring.

Learn more about the Form and Fire Internship

“Now is the Time to Pray” GOHOP promo trailer

The vision is Jesus. Dangerously. Obsessively. Undeniably Jesus...
— Pete Greig, 24-7 Vision Poem

Those who give themselves to prayer and worship and communion with the living God often find that their prayers have legs, legs that take them out of the prayer room and into their neighbourhoods, cities and nations.